
Join Sunday Syntax, my weekly newsletter for Technology, Development & Productivity tips, and awesome sauce of insightful things I discovered this week.

A boy delivering messages on a bicycle


Past Issues of Sunday Syntax


CLRS Merge Sort in JavaScript

Regular Merge Sort and CLRS Merge Sort are essentially the same algorithm, but CLRS Merge Sort is a more specific implementation that follows the algorithm as described in the textbook "Introduction to Algorithms" by Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein.


Create Objects using a Constructor

Inheritance in JavaScript allows objects to inherit(actually link) to properties and methods of other objects, creating a hierarchical relationship between them.


Default Binding - THIS Keyword

The default binding of the "this" keyword in JavaScript refers to the global object when used in a standalone function.


Deploy Python Lambda functions with Docker

A python lambda function is the easiest way to start exploring the AWS ecosystem. We will later use an API Gateway that invokes the lambda.


Explicit Binding - THIS Keyword

Explicit binding refers to the automatic binding of the this keyword to the object that it is called from.


How I Built My Website

Building a website in 2023 involves a combination of modern technologies and best practices. From automatic code splitting to server-side rendering and easy deployment, Next.js provides a range of features that make building websites a breeze.


Implicit Binding - THIS Keyword

Implicit binding is the automatic binding of the "this" keyword to the object where a method is invoked, based on the calling context.


Inheritance in JavaScript

Inheritance in JavaScript is more like a team where you delegate tasks that you cannot do it yourself, this is the reason this relationship model in JS is referred as Behaviour Delegation.


Introduction to JavaScript

Discover the power of JavaScript, the core technology of the web, bringing interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites


How I added Light & Dark Theme SVGs on my Website

As my website uses light and dark theme it was important for the icons and other SVGs that I use to support it.


Linking Object or Inheriting From Objects

Linking objects is key to understanding the prototype system as it leads upto complex patterns involving constructors and subclasses


Merge Sort in JavaScript

Merge sort is a standard divide and conquer algorithm that scales.


Multiple Dynamic Path at Same Level in NextJS



Quicksort in JavaScript

Quicksort is a very neat algorithm that sorts with a very good runtime.


THIS Keyword in JavaScript

The "this" keyword in JavaScript refers to the current object or context in which the code is being executed